Concierge Lifestyle &
Longevity Medicine

Your Health Is the Most Important Investment of Your Life!

Kevin Forey MD seeks to provide an educational resource for everyday individuals who are interested in learning more about food, nutrition, physical exercise, and other strategies for preventing common medical illnesses. Throughout this website, you will find an unbiased and evidence-based message that is easy to understand.

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If you are interested in becoming a patient, learn how you can lose weight, lower your cholesterol, and become a healthier you.

Kevin Forey MD seeks to provide an educational resource for everyday individuals who are interested in learning more about food, nutrition, physical exercise, and other strategies for preventing common medical illnesses. Throughout this website, you will find an unbiased and evidence-based message that is easy to understand.

Provide your email to receive notifications of new blog posts and podcast episodes.

If you are interested in becoming a patient, learn how you can lose weight, lower your cholesterol, and become a healthier you.

Getting Started

Getting Started

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Podcast Episodes

Photograph of Kevin Forey MD with the Simple Path to Health Podcast Logo. Click photo to listen to the Simple Path to Health Podcast.

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The Simple Path to Health Podcast is an evidence-based podcast focused on the science of longevity, health, and wellness. I believe that becoming a healthier you can in fact be really simple. Meanwhile, there is so much information out there that it also can be very overwhelming and confusing.  Instead, my goal is to keep things practical, easy to understand, and applicable to you, the everyday individual.
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kick start a new lifestyle

Stop Feeding Disease!

Greater health benefits can be achieved by avoiding or eliminating unhealthy foods. In other words, consuming a handful of almonds does not affect your body the same as a handful of candy.

Processed foods disproportionately contribute to obesity, insulin resistance, and high blood pressure.

Keep It Simple

Eat Less Processed Foods

  • Added and refined sugars
  • White flour and highly refined carbohydrates
  • Deep fried foods and hydrogenated oils
  • Cured, processed, and corn-fed meat
  • Alcohol and tobacco

An Investment In Your Health

Begin your simple path to health by scheduling your Comprehensive Consultation with Kevin Forey MD


Your health is the most important investment of your life. You should care about it! – Kevin Forey MD

Lifestyle & Longevity Medicine

Concierge Lifestyle & Longevity Medicine

After your first appointment, you will walk away with a stronger understanding of your risk factors for heart disease, certain cancers, alzheimer’s dementia, and more. Most importantly, you will be provided with the tools and medical guidance to become a healthier you and reduce your risk of developing common medical illnesses.

Achievable Patient Goals

  • Green Checkmark Lower Cholesterol including LDL-C, Triglycerides, & ApoB
  • Green Checkmark Non-invasive testing to understand your risk of Heart Disease
  • Green Checkmark Identify and overcome risk factors for 13+ Cancers and Dementia
  • Green Checkmark Weight loss with Food, Exercise, +/- Medicine
  • Green Checkmark Become a healthier you!

Accepting patients located in AL, AZ, CA, CO, FL, MA, MN, MT, PA, UT, VA, WI, IL*
* Excluding Cook County

High Quality Care

See reviews below

Flexible Scheduling

Evenings & Weekends

Affordable Pricing

Flexible Options

100% Online


For additional evening scheduling, please send a message.

Kevin Forey MD

Internal Medicine Board Certified

Kevin Forey’s Priorities

Proactive & Preventive

The core philosophy of Kevin Forey MD is to be proactive in the prevention of disease before it occurs. This approach is driven by the realization that prevention of illness is generally more successful than the treatment of disease. Furthermore, many illnesses such as cancer and dementia have no cure, and many disease treatments expose patients to toxicities and side-effects.

Food, Nutrition, & Exercise

Kevin Forey MD places greater importance on food, nutrition, and physical fitness in the management and prevention of disease. Receive personalized feedback of your day-to-day decisions to learn how they affect your personal healthcare goals.

Advanced Laboratory Testing and Medication Management

Kevin Forey MD utilizes advanced testing to provide a comprehensive understanding of your health. This includes blood testing, imaging, and genetic analysis. Based upon individualized goals, medication management can also serve an important role in optimizing one’s health.

Now Accepting Patients!

Kevin Forey MD is now providing online consultative telehealth services to patients located in the following states!

If your state is not listed, please join the waiting list.






* Excludes Cook County
Location at time of appointment

* Excludes Cook County
Location at time of appointment

Frequently Asked Questions

Comprehensive Self-Assessment
Before your visit, a comprehensive self-assessment is sent to you electronically. Please complete this prior to your scheduled appointment. Kevin Forey MD will then carefully review your healthcare history and personal healthcare goals to develop a series of recommendations that will be discussed during your appointment.

Your Appointment
An online web-based telehealth video appointment will then occur with a thoughtful and personalized assessment by Kevin Forey MD. This includes a thorough overview of your health history, personal healthcare goals, and recommendations to achieve these goals. Kevin Forey MD will then provide recommended lifestyle modifications, treatment options, and a follow-up plan.

Ongoing follow-up will be recommended. Furthermore, you will have access to the online messaging portal to communicate with Kevin Forey MD, ask questions, coordinate follow-up, and submit new test results. Additionally, Kevin Forey MD is happy to coordinate care with your primary care physician or other treating providers.

Kevin Forey MD is a concierge physician specializing in the prevention and treatment of common medical illnesses including obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and fatty liver.

Kevin Forey MD is not a primary care physician. Furthermore, he does not have an in-person office and does not have regular M-F office appointments. Therefore, it is not possible for Kevin Forey MD to reliably meet the acute healthcare of someone facing infection, injury, or other acute illness.

All patients of Kevin Forey MD must have access to a primary care physician or other local healthcare provider. It is possible that the services of Kevin Forey MD will expand with time.

Yes, Kevin Forey MD is currently licensed to prescribe prescription medications to patients located in the states where medical services are currently being offered. Lab testing and diagnostic imaging are also routinely ordered.

Commonly prescribed medications include cholesterol lowering medications, blood pressure medications, weight loss medications, and more.

Controlled substances such as opioid pain medicines are not prescribed due to DEA and telehealth restrictions.

At this time, Kevin Forey MD does not accept healthcare insurance. All appointments are cash-based or self-pay.

Accepted payment options include credit card or debit card. To confirm an appointment, payment is required beforehand.

It is possible to receive an itemized bill (superbill) to submit to your insurance provider for possible reimbursement.

Kevin Forey MD will routinely order blood work, diagnostic imaging, and prescription medications. These expenses may be fully or partially covered by your healthcare insurance plan. Please discuss with your health insurance company for explanation of your member benefits.

At this time, all appointments are web-based telehealth video visit. Appointments can be completed on your computer, tablet, or smart phone. Access to internet is required.

Kevin Forey MD is now providing online consultative telehealth services to patients living in AL, AZ, CA, CO, FL, MA, MN, MT, PA, UT, VA, WI, IL* (excluding Cook County).

If your state is not listed, please join the waiting list.

All appointments and payments are non-refundable. A patient can cancel an appointment at anytime and reschedule within 12 months.

If Kevin Forey MD cancels a scheduled appointment, the opportunity to reschedule will be offered. Alternatively, the patient can request a full refund.

Do you have Metabolic Syndrome?

In the United States, 48.6% of adults 60 years and older have Metabolic Syndrome (MetS).

Approximately 20% of young adults also have Metabolic Syndrome.

Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome (MetS) is a treatable medical condition that predisposes individuals to Heart Disease, Alzheimer’s Dementia, Severe COVID-19 Infection, stroke, Infertility, Joint Pain, Fatty Liver, Kidney Disease, and numerous other diseases.

Visceral Adiposity (“Belly Fat“) refers to the accumulation of fat within the abdomen, including fatty liver. Visceral adiposity is a risk factor for Heart disease, Dementia, Cancer, Infertility, Liver failure, and more.

Visceral Adiposity can be estimated using your waist circumference. A more precise measurement can be obtained using a DEXA Scan.

Hypertension (“High Blood Pressure“) refers to elevated blood pressure within the arteries of your body. Hypertension often exists without symptoms but is a leading cause of Heart disease, Stroke, Dementia, Renal Disease, and more.

Hypertension is most commonly measured using a blood pressure cuff. A more accurate representation of your circulatory health can be achieved with 24-Hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring.

Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes occur when the body cannot properly manage blood sugar. Additional complications often include weight gain, bad cholesterol, high blood pressure, and several serious medical conditions.

Heart Disease, including Heart Attack and Stroke, are the most common causes of death among those with Insulin Resistance or Type 2 Diabetes.

Cancer In Genetically Susceptible people, Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes contribute to at least 13 Cancers including Esophageal, Stomach, Colon and Rectum, Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Breast, Uterus, Ovary, Kidney, Thyroid, Multiple Myeloma, and Meningioma of the Brain.

Dementia is another common condition influenced by Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes. This includes Alzheimer’s Dementia, Vascular Dementia, and over Cognitive Decline.

Insulin Resistance and Type 2 Diabetes can be measured and evaluated with a number of tools. Fasting Blood Glucose and Hemoglobin A1c are the most commonly used blood tests. Meanwhile, additional testing exists including Insulin Levels and other advanced testing.

The most effective interventions for the treatment and prevention of Insulin Resistance includes a healthy diet with minimum amounts of processed food, regular physical exercise including aerobic and weight resistance training. There are numerous Prescription Medications that can also be effective in certain people and certain personal healthcare goals.

Cholesterol has multiple components including Lp(a), LDL Cholesterol, HDL-C, non-HDL, VLDL, Triglycerides, and Remnant Cholesterol. Additional measurements including Apo(b) and other advanced testing. These collectively and uniquely affect Your Risk of Heart Disease.

Imaging and Radiology Testing most commonly includes CT and Ultrasound of the Heart and Blood Vessels.

Inflammation occurs as a response to injury or body damage. It is a part of our immune system . The primary purpose of inflammation is to initiate healing and restore normal body function.

Bad Metabolic Health often includes of Inflammation, Insulin Resistance, Bad Cholesterol, and High Blood Pressure. Collectively, they contribute to several serious medical conditions.

Measurements of Inflammation most often include High Sensitivity CRP, Advanced Inflammatory Markers, and Advanced Blood Count Analysis.

Genetic Testing can also represent an important testing consideration for particular individuals and families.