Why LDL-C, Hemoglobin A1c, and Continuous Glucose Monitors Are Not Optimal Tests For Longevity
Introduction Several tests that are commonly utilized for longevity and the prevention of illness include LDL…
Introduction Several tests that are commonly utilized for longevity and the prevention of illness include LDL…
Atherosclerosis is the primary health abnormality underlying several common causes of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack, stroke, and
Lipoprotein(a), abbreviated as Lp(a), has emerged as a significant risk factor of cardiovascular disease. Specifically, elevated levels of Lp(a) contribute
Identifying and optimizing risk factors associated with cardiovascular disease are important priorities for health-conscious individuals and healthcare
The intent of this post is to provide additional insight and perspective regarding individuals who are metabolically healthy
Cardiovascular disease is the number one cause of death among adult men and women throughout the world. Meanwhile
An accumulating body of evidence has implicated hypertriglyceridemia as a treatable risk factor for the prevention of atherosclerotic cardiovascular